
Research Infrastructures

Environmental Engineering Laboratory

The researchers at the Environmental Engineering Laboratory are tasked with acquiring knowledge to improve the quality of the environment. In particular, they work in two major areas of research, namely the development of innovative environmental technologies for the rehabilitation of contaminated environments, and the characterization of contaminated environments.

  • Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS)
Sherbrooke (Québec)
Contact person
Hubert Cabana, Professor, 819 821-7122
Associated axes :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 3: Water use in secondary production
  • Transversal axis: Governance and management
    Theme 2: Risks and disrupters of governance
More info de Environmental Engineering Laboratory

Experimental site for geoenvironmental and hydrological studies

The main objective of this project is to evaluate different final cover scenarios to reduce the production of leachate in a Saint-Nicéphore landfill, located in Drummondville, Quebec. In order to assess the percolation, the Université de Sherbrooke team proposed to build an experimental plan on the existing coverage of the site. Five lysimeters were built in 4 enclosures, that is to say areas where all the runoff water is collected in order to monitor their quantity and quality over time. The quality must be monitored due to the presence of contaminated soil in some of the scenarios under study, while the quantities are used to carry out water balances over time. This project is done in collaboration with the company Waste Management and receives financial support from WM, CRSNG and CRIBIQ.

  • Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS)
Drummondville (Québec)
Contact person
Alexandre Cabral, professor, (819) 821-8000, ext. 67906
Associated axes :
  • Axis Water Availability
    Theme 1: Integrated quantity and quality simulations
  • Transversal axis: Governance and management
    Theme 2: Risks and disrupters of governance
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 2: Water uses for primary production
More info de Experimental site for geoenvironmental and hydrological studies