
Research Infrastructures


/// Module intended for the validation of the choice of suitable biomass for the treatment of a given wastewater. This unit is equipped with: - Air diffusers - Waste water metering pump - pH and dissolved oxygen probes - Temperature sensor.

  • Cégep Saint-Laurent
Montréal (Québec)
Contact person
Édith Laflamme, Director, Centre des technologies de l'eau, 514 747-6521, ext. 8676
Associated axis :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 2: Water uses for primary production

Semi-pilot electrochemistry bench

/// Features - Forthcoming

  • Cégep de Shawinigan
CNETE (Shawinigan)
Contact person
Mohamed Rahni, Chercheur, 819-539-8508
Associated axis :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 2: Water uses for primary production

Spiral-wound membrane filtration pilot testing

/// Features: - Pumps with a capacity of 12 to 20 gallons per minute - 50 gallon/minute recirculation pumps - 7.5 horsepower (3500 rpm) pumps - Spiral-wound membrane chamber (measuring 40 inches in length by 8 inches in diameter) - Filtration capacity of 600 L per hour - 100 to 1 000-litre tank - Prefilters /// Samples: - Liquids (effluents, residual liquids, fluids, liquid waste, liquids generated by chemical processes, etc.) - Capacity to treat liquids by micro-, ultra-, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis /// Examples of applications: - Separation of nanoparticles from dissolved salts in order to characterize the nanoparticle content - Nanoparticle or other nanomaterial concentration - Purification of industrial effluents - Separation, concentration, and purification of molecules (organic or inorganic) /// Other test benches available: - Two filtration systems with 2 spiral-wound membrane chambers measuring 8 inches in diameter - A filtration system with a spiral-wound membrane measuring 4 inches in diameter - A filtration system with a spiral-wound membrane measuring 2 inches in diameter

  • Cégep de Shawinigan
CNETE (Shawinigan)
Contact person
Mohamed Rahni, Chercheur, 819-539-8508
Associated axes :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 2: Water uses for primary production
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 3: Water use in secondary production
More info de Spiral-wound membrane filtration pilot testing

Transmission electron microscope

The service is able to meet several needs in the animal, plant or microbial fields, including: • Research and identification of viruses from all sources; • Research and identification (Gram-positive or Gram-negative) and description of bacteria from all sources • Research and identification of contaminants (eg mycoplasma) in clinical specimens or cell cultures • Immunoelectromicroscopy with or without colloidal gold on a liquid sample (negative staining) or on cell sections (pre- or post-embedding techniques) • Quality control of viral fractions of density gradients • Cell morphology on thin sections • Quantification of viruses (eg Retrovirus) using latex spheres of known concentration by negative staining. • Quality control of biological products released to municipal sewage • Research of Retrovirus in cells, identification and count of the proportion of infected cells (cell sections)

  • Institut national de recherche scientifique (INRS)
Laval, Québec
Contact person
Charles Dozois, Professor, 450 687-5010, ext. 4388
Associated axes :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 2: Water uses for primary production
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 3: Water use in secondary production
  • Transversal axis: Governance and management
    Theme 2: Risks and disrupters of governance

Water activity measuring device

/// features - Measuring water activity in samples formulated for extending shelf-life

  • Cégep de Shawinigan
CNETE (Shawinigan)
Contact person
Mohamed Rahni, Chercheur, 819-539-8508
Associated axis :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 2: Water uses for primary production
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