
Studies & research

Biodegradability of particulate matter removed by microscreens

Amount :
25000 - Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Start date :
January 2019
End date :
January 2020
Associated axis :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
Reasearchers involved :
Yves Comeau, Yves Comeau

Biodetergent and biofertilizer production from sewage sludge (support for research internship)

Amount :
1351 - Emploi et Développement social Canada
Start date :
January 2018
End date :
January 2018
Associated axis :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
Reasearchers involved :
Céline Vaneeckhaute, Céline Vaneeckhaute

Briser le cycle des dépendances aux pesticides: des enjeux de santé des populations, d'environnement, de sciences et de politiques publiques au coeur de l'éthique publique

Amount :
15000 - Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ)
Start date :
January 2018
End date :
January 2019
Associated axis :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 2: Water uses for primary production
Reasearchers involved :
Louise Vandelac, Louise Vandelac

Canada Research Chair in Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements

Amount :
1000000 - Chaires de recherche du Canada (CRC) (Chaires de recherche du Canada (niveau II))
Start date :
June 2011
End date :
May 2016
Associated axes :
  • Transversal axis: Governance and management
    Theme 2: Risks and disrupters of governance
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 2: Water uses for primary production
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 3: Water use in secondary production
Reasearcher involved :
Claude Fortin
Description :
The rules that govern environmental protection evolve continuously as we acquire new knowledge through research. Many human activities introduce contaminants like metals into aquatic ecosystems—for example, mining and recycling. To evaluate the ecological risks linked to these activities, we need to characterize the ways in which these contaminants are introduced into the environment and how indigenous organisms are exposed to them. We also need to evaluate their impact. Dr. Claude Fortin, Canada Research Chair in Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, is working on understanding and predicting how metals accumulate in our waters. Fortin’s research has three goals: developing analytical techniques that accurately measure trace metals in an ecosystem (such as a lake or river); defining the links between the chemical forms of trace metals (speciation) and the composition of the receiving environment, as well as their accumulation within the indigenous organisms; and gaining a better understanding of what happens to these metals after they are absorbed into the ecosystem. Fortin and his research team have adopted an integrated approach to the extracellular/intracellular continuum, starting from the moment aquatic organisms are exposed to trace metal contamination. For this reason, their research focuses on microscopic algae (phytoplankton). This research will lead to better tools to predict the impact metals can have on waterways. These tools will play an essential role in the work of environmental managers in the public and private sectors who are responsible for ensuring our waterways are adequately protected. They will also lead to more effective environmental protection standards.

Canada Research Chair in Decentralized and Small-Scale Water Treatment

Amount :
600000 - Gouvernement du Canada, Fonds des Leaders John-R.-Evans de la FCI, gouvernement du Québec, Polytechnique Montral (Programme des Chaires de recherche du Canada)
Start date :
June 2020
End date :
May 2025
Associated axis :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
Reasearchers involved :
Dominique Claveau-Mallet,
Description :
Les travaux de Dominique Claveau-Mallet portent sur le développement et l’optimisation de procédés de traitement de l'eau décentralisés ou de petite échelle afin de répondre à une problématique de contamination de l’eau souterraine servant à l’approvisionnement en eau potable, dans un contexte de densification des systèmes septiques dans des régions à aquifère vulnérable ou écosystème sensible. Dans les systèmes sceptiques conventionnels, l’élément épurateur qui sert à retirer la matière organique de l'eau usée peut constituer une source potentielle de contamination en raison d’un enlèvement partiel ou peu connu des nutriments, des agents pathogènes et des contaminants émergents. Les travaux de recherche de la professeure Claveau-Mallet ont pour objectif la caractérisation et la modélisation des phénomènes physique, chimique et biologique rencontrés dans les procédés de traitement, la proposition de critères de conception et l’amélioration de la performance des procédés relativement à leur taille, leur consommation en eau, et énergie, et leur émission de gaz à effet de serre.

Canada Research Chair in Environmental Contaminants and Population Health

Amount :
600000 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (Canada Research Chairs)
Start date :
October 2019
End date :
September 2024
Associated axes :
  • Transversal axis: Governance and management
    Theme 2: Risks and disrupters of governance
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
Reasearchers involved :
Maryse Bouchard,
Description :
The research carried out within the framework of this Chair aims to better understand the risks associated with the presence of pollutants in the air, water, food and certain common consumer products,

Canada Research Chair in Microbial Contaminant Dynamics in Source Waters

Amount :
1000000 - Chaires de recherche du Canada (CRC) (Chaires de recherche du Canada (CRC))
Start date :
September 2007
End date :
November 2018
Associated axes :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
  • Transversal axis: Governance and management
    Theme 2: Risks and disrupters of governance
Reasearchers involved :
Sarah Dorner, Sarah Dorner
Description :
Le traitement de l'eau potable a permis de considérablement réduire le nombre de maladies d'origine hydrique dans les pays développés. Pourtant, plusieurs grandes épidémies se sont toutefois répandues et toutes étaient liées aux sources municipales d'alimentation en eau potable. Qui plus est, plusieurs d'entre elles ont suivi de fortes périodes de précipitation. On a lié aux conditions environnementales la présence d'entéropathogènes (c. à d. de bactéries pathogènes dans l'intestin) et d'autres contaminants microbiens dans l'eau. En effet, des bactéries photosynthétiques appelées « cyanobactéries » ont été observées en nombre croissant dans les eaux de surface et l'exposition à leurs toxines a entraîné la mort chez les animaux et l'être humain. À titre de titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la dynamique des contaminants microbiens dans les sources d'approvisionnement en eau, Sarah Dorner travaille à la mise au point de modèles informatiques afin de comprendre les processus fondamentaux servant à expliquer le transport et le devenir des contaminants microbiens présents dans l'eau, et ce, dans des conditions environnementales changeantes. À l'aide d'instruments de pointe, elle mesure ces contaminants et cherche à comprendre comment les conditions météorologiques et l'activité humaine affectent la qualité de l'eau contenue dans les bassins d'alimentation. Par sa recherche, Mme Dorner contribuera à mieux faire comprendre les procédés qui entraînent la contamination microbienne des sources d'approvisionnement en eau. Elle développera également de nouveaux modèles pour aider à protéger les réserves d'eau potable.

Canada Research Chair in Water and Urbanization

Amount :
1000000 - Chaires de recherche du Canada (CRC) (Chaires de recherche du Canada (CRC))
Start date :
May 2011
End date :
May 2021
Associated axes :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
  • Transversal axis: Governance and management
    Theme 3: Governance objectives and tools
Reasearchers involved :
Kathryn Furlong, Kathryn Furlong
Description :
The Canada Research Chair in Water and Urbanization was established in May 2011 and is held by Kathryn Furlong in the Department of Geography at the University of Montreal. The Canada Research Chair in Water and Urbanization was proposed in recognition of the important challenges faced by municipalities around the world in terms of providing safe, reliable, and equitable water supply. The World Health Organization estimates that 860 million people in the developing world lack access to clean drinking water. Meanwhile, in higher income countries like Canada, municipal supplies face challenges that include crumbling infrastructure, insufficient revenues and inefficient water use. With these dilemmas in mind, the Canada Research Chair in Water and Urbanization examines governance arrangements and utility models that challenge widely held notions of how services should be provided, who should be involved, the role of municipalities, and the accessibility of services to rural and low-income areas.

Canada Research Chair on Source Water Protection

Amount :
500000 - Chaires de Recherche du Canada (CRC)
Start date :
January 2013
End date :
January 2018
Associated axis :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
Reasearchers involved :
Sarah Dorner, Sarah Dorner

Canada Research Chair on Water Quality Modelling

Amount :
1 400 000 - Government of Canada (Canada Research Chairs (CRC))
Start date :
April 2013
End date :
March 2020
Associated axis :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
Reasearcher involved :
Peter Vanrolleghem
Description :
Several graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and research professionals perform multifaceted studies in which models are the key element. The research focuses on the methodological aspects of the collection and evaluation of data quality, the development of new models. Everything is done to improve modeling approaches, optimize water systems based on models, and develop software that supports these studies.
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