
Studies & research

Canada Research Chair in Water and Urbanization

Amount :
1000000 - Chaires de recherche du Canada (CRC) (Chaires de recherche du Canada (CRC))
Start date :
May 2011
End date :
May 2021
Associated axes :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
  • Transversal axis: Governance and management
    Theme 3: Governance objectives and tools
Reasearchers involved :
Kathryn Furlong, Kathryn Furlong
Description :
The Canada Research Chair in Water and Urbanization was established in May 2011 and is held by Kathryn Furlong in the Department of Geography at the University of Montreal. The Canada Research Chair in Water and Urbanization was proposed in recognition of the important challenges faced by municipalities around the world in terms of providing safe, reliable, and equitable water supply. The World Health Organization estimates that 860 million people in the developing world lack access to clean drinking water. Meanwhile, in higher income countries like Canada, municipal supplies face challenges that include crumbling infrastructure, insufficient revenues and inefficient water use. With these dilemmas in mind, the Canada Research Chair in Water and Urbanization examines governance arrangements and utility models that challenge widely held notions of how services should be provided, who should be involved, the role of municipalities, and the accessibility of services to rural and low-income areas.

Canada Research Chair on Source Water Protection

Amount :
500000 - Chaires de Recherche du Canada (CRC)
Start date :
January 2013
End date :
January 2018
Associated axis :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
Reasearchers involved :
Sarah Dorner, Sarah Dorner

Canada Research Chair on Water Quality Modelling

Amount :
1 400 000 - Government of Canada (Canada Research Chairs (CRC))
Start date :
April 2013
End date :
March 2020
Associated axis :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
Reasearcher involved :
Peter Vanrolleghem
Description :
Several graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and research professionals perform multifaceted studies in which models are the key element. The research focuses on the methodological aspects of the collection and evaluation of data quality, the development of new models. Everything is done to improve modeling approaches, optimize water systems based on models, and develop software that supports these studies.

Capacité d'infiltration des pavés perméables de béton à mortaises et tenons dans un contexte de gestion durable des eaux pluviales

Amount :
25000 - Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Start date :
January 2015
End date :
January 2016
Associated axis :
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
Reasearchers involved :
Sophie Duchesne, Sophie Duchesne

Capture zone delineation and groundwater vulnerability: Magdalen Islands, Quebec

Amount :
120 000 - Municipalité des Iles de la Madeleine
Start date :
January 2019
End date :
January 2021
Associated axis :
  • Axis Water Availability
    Theme 1: Integrated quantity and quality simulations
Reasearchers involved :
John Molson, Jean-Michel Lemieux, John Molson

Caractérisation des écoulements superficiels et souterrains dans le bassin versant de l'Arve à Chamonix

Amount :
22850 - Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (LabEx)
Start date :
January 2017
End date :
January 2019
Associated axis :
  • Axis Water Availability
    Theme 1: Integrated quantity and quality simulations
Reasearchers involved :
Michel Baraër, Michel Baraër


Amount :
1 700 000 - Fonds de recherche du Québec Fondation familiale Trottier Fondation Molson
Start date :
January 2021
End date :
June 2021
Associated axes :
  • Transversal axis: Governance and management
    Theme 2: Risks and disrupters of governance
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
Reasearchers involved :
Dominic Frigon, Peter Vanrolleghem, Sarah Dorner, Marc-André Labelle, Françoise Bichai, Karine Lemarchand, Marc-Denis Rioux, Jean-François Lemay, Richard Villemur, Stephanie Loeb, Alain Létourneau, François Guillemette, Jean-François Lemay, Richard Villemur, Alain Létourneau, Peter Vanrolleghem, Sarah Dorner, Françoise Bichai, Stephanie Loeb, Dominic Frigon
Description :
Cette recherche d'une durée de six mois a pour principal objectif d'analyser les eaux usées de grands centres urbains et de plus petites municipalités du Québec afin d'y détecter la présence du coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, responsable de la COVID-19. Inclure la vigie des eaux usées dans la gestion de la crise permet une détection précoce et géolocalisée de la présence du virus, aidant ainsi à briser les chaînes de transmission et à éviter les éclosions. Les terrains à l'étude sont Montréal, Québec et Laval, ainsi que le Bas-Saint-Laurent et la Mauricie-Centre-du-Québec. Les analyses réalisées sur les échantillons d'eaux usées seront à la base du modèle prédictif que les chercheurs entendent développer afin de fournir des préavis fiables et rapides aux autorités gouvernementales en charge de lutter contre le virus. Des stratégies pour déployer la vigie des eaux usées à l'ensemble du territoire québécois seront également proposées. Cet outil de vigie par les eaux usées pourrait être utilisé pour d'autres problèmes, soit la surveillance de l'influenza, la résistance aux antibiotiques ou les zoonoses dans les élevages.

CentrEau-COVID : Screening of COVID-19 in wastewater as a monitoring and management tool

Amount :
20000 - CentrEau (CentrEau Seed Money)
Start date :
June 2020
End date :
January 2021
Associated axes :
  • Transversal axis: Governance and management
    Theme 2: Risks and disrupters of governance
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
Reasearchers involved :
Dominic Frigon, Peter Vanrolleghem, Marc-André Labelle, Céline Vaneeckhaute, Richard Villemur, Viviane Yargeau, Sarah Dorner, Alain Létourneau, Stephanie Loeb, Stephanie Loeb
Description :
The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted several scientific questions related to water. The urgency to deliver the necessary answers and the complexity of the studies to obtain them require a concerted effort from all stakeholders. Central to the scientific questions is the quantification of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the etiologic agent of COVID-19) in order to develop a surveillance network for future outbreaks. In an effort to coordinate, the Canadian Water Network has created a Wastewater Research Coalition on COVID-19 to bring together the work of researchers and strengthen links with public health authorities. Four of CentrEau's members (Dorner, Frigon, Vanrolleghem, and Yargeau) are on the coalition's advisory committee. However, we believe that our action in Quebec could be more effective if we were better supported locally in pooling our projects, seeking funding, and sharing results. The project CentrEau-COVID was created because of this seed money and obtained $1,7M for further research.

Chair on Resource Recovery and Bio-products Engineering

Amount :
500000 - NSERC (Canada Research Chairs (Tier 2))
Start date :
June 2019
End date :
May 2024
Associated axes :
  • Transversal axis: Governance and management
    Theme 1: Nexus between uses and availability
  • Axis Uses of water
    Theme 1: Water needs and uses of cities
Reasearcher involved :
Description :
Recover resources, particularly nutrients, from residual materials and wastewater. By combining experimentation with digital technology, the Chair aims to: (1) produce high quality biobased products from residues. (2) provide sustainable strategies to build a greener economy with secure food production and less environmental pollution.

Chantier thématique 1: Décoder les interrelations entre systèmes complexes du Nord

Amount :
510000 - Apogée Canada (Sentinelle Nord (Sentinel North))
Start date :
January 2016
End date :
January 2020
Associated axis :
  • Axis Water Availability
    Theme 1: Integrated quantity and quality simulations
Reasearchers involved :
René Therrien, René Therrien
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