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Visit of the Saint-Charles' river catchment

Discover the water cycle from catchment to toilet!

* Activity reserved for student and employee membres * In case of vacancies, the general public will be invited to participate the week before the event. Contact to be put on the waiting list.


8h : Départure by bus from université Laval

8h30 - 10h : Visit of the Marais Du Nord in a rabaska (10 $/student) or on foot (free) with Sonja Behmel and Mélanie Delongchamps, of APEL

10h - 10h30 : Visit the filtering marshland on the edge of the Saint-Charles lake

10h30 - 11h : Visit of the lake Saint-Charles dam and offices of APEL

11h30 - 12h : Visit of the restored and re-naturalized river banks of the Saint-Charles river (parc Cartier-Brébeuf) and picnic with Claire Rhéaume, environmental consultant, Urban forestry and horticulture department, Ville de Québec

13h : Return 

Schoolbus transportation provided (free)

In collaboration with the Association pour la protection de l'environnement du lac Saint-Charles et des Marais du Nord (APEL)


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