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CentrEau welcomes the birth of CIROH

27 April 2022

A new water research consortium is being formed in the United States, the Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology (CIROH). CIROH will be based at the University of Alabama.

The four main research areas of the consortium will be:

  • Water resources prediction capabilities
  • Community water resources modeling
  • Hydroinformatics
  • Application of social, economic, and behavioral science to water resources prediction

“The small problems in hydrology are already solved,” says David Tarboton, director of the Water Research Laboratory at the University of Utah, one of 14 institutional members of CIROH. “To advance knowledge today, we need interdisciplinary teams that can collaborate, integrating information from multiple sources. In other words, big science. This project takes this to the extreme. As proposed, it is bigger than any I have been involved with.”

At present, the University of Saskatchewan is the only Canadian university member of CIROH. The press release » announcing the news makes no mention of any ambition to increase the number of partners in the cluster.